
Problems Breathing? Test the Air Quality in Your Home!

Do you or your family members suffer from any of these symptoms?

  • Nasal discharge, congestion, sinusitis
  • Sneezing, coughing
  • Shortness of breath, asthma
  • Headaches

Did you know that an excessive presence of mold in your home could be the cause of these problems?

Mold grows more easily if the humidity level inside is high. Science shows that these two issues result in poor indoor air quality.

In other words, the air you breathe in your home could be harming your health and that of your family.

Air Humidifier

Why Test the Air Quality in Your Home?

The air quality in your home can cause health problems.

This happens when mold grows excessively in your home. It hides fungi that are invisible to the naked eye. These fungi release mycotoxins into the air. These are the particles that can be inhaled and may cause respiratory issues.

Renovating your home can also introduce mold into the air.

This is the case when vermiculite is present in the insulation. Vermi-what? Vermiculite: a granular mineral, somewhat like cereal or feed. An excellent insulator, but potentially dangerous to your health.

Indeed, vermiculite can contain asbestos, a fiber that should absolutely not be disturbed. Otherwise, it may end up in the air. According to Health Canada, inhaling asbestos can cause respiratory diseases and even cancer.

How to Test the Air Quality?

Do you or a family member already suffer from respiratory problems? Do you suspect that the air in your home is the cause?

Rest assured!

For peace of mind, simply entrust the air quality test to a certified microbiologist. Bâtisso can guide you through the entire process.

It’s a simple and non-destructive test. There’s no need to open a wall, as mold is present in the air as microparticles. The analysis is carried out in a few steps:

  1. Contact our team to schedule a visit from a microbiologist to your home.
  2. A microbiologist will take indoor air samples from strategic locations.
  3. The samples are analyzed in our laboratory by a certified microbiologist.
  4. You will quickly receive a clear and complete analysis of the air in your home.
  5. The microbiologist will present you with a detailed action plan to address your building issues, if necessary.

It’s normal to be concerned about potential air quality problems in your home. The Bâtisso team understands that your family's health is at the forefront of your concerns.

Room Thermostat

Choosing Bâtisso means:

  • Working with a certified microbiologist
  • Ensuring reliable results
  • Obtaining a clear and detailed analysis of indoor air
  • Receiving a personalized plan tailored to your situation
  • Taking care of your health and that of your family

Don't wait!

Schedule an appointment today with one of our microbiologists to assess the air quality in your home.